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EDU SE404 – Learning Team Communication

Learning Team Communication
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Learning Team CommunicationWelcome to Learning Team Communication, the fifth course in the series Special Education.

Following the Individualized Education Plan (IEP) meeting and the development of the IEP, ongoing communication is imperative. This course explains how and why the special education teacher is responsible for maintaining and documenting communication with the members of the student’s learning team. Depending on the services outlined in the plan, the student may receive support from a paraprofessional, speech, occupational, or physical therapist, or social worker. It is vital that all services are provided and scheduled accordingly. In addition, the classroom teacher must receive a copy of the IEP ‘at a glance’ to understand the various supports, necessary accommodations, and scheduled time outside of class. Ongoing communication with all team members, including parents, will foster collaboration and effective assistance for the student.

This course requires 20 hours of study time to complete all assignments and the reflection questions. There are six written assignments including the reflection questions at the end of the course.
