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EDU SE403 – IEP Meetings

IEP Meetings
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lesson study groupWelcome to IEP Meetings, the fourth course in the series Special Education.

Your previous course helped you understand how to write Individualized Education Plans (IEP)s. This course focuses on running good IEP meetings. You will be reading several case studies and documenting your own experience preparing for, running, and following up on IEP meetings. There are many services, staff, students, family members, and community pieces involved in IEP meetings. As a special educator you will spend considerable time on and in IEP meetings. This course is meant to help you hone these skills.

Writing the IEP is a collective effort, so the student has support from all adults who support their academic journey. Generally, the attendees at the meeting include the special education teacher, classroom teacher, school administrator, parents, and other family or community members who contribute to the student’s development. Student involvement may vary depending on the age and ability level, but, when possible, they should participate in the meeting to share their personal perspective and goals.

Conducting the IEP meeting involves the coordination of multiple schedules, so the special education teacher leads this process. It begins with parental notification so they, and the family members or community partners who they identify, can attend. Once the date is solidified, invitations are sent including the day, time, school address, and purpose for the meeting. Notifications are also set to the school-based staff who are attending. All attendees should be fully aware of who will be participating in the meeting so they can prepare accordingly.

This course requires 21 hours of study time to complete all assignments and the reflection questions. There are seven written assignments including the reflection questions at the end of the course.
