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EDU SE410 – Culminating Experience

SE110 Culminating Experiences
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SE110 Culminating Experience

Welcome to Culminating Experience, the final course in the series Special Education.

The purpose of this Culminating Experience course is to apply what you have learned in your coursework and in a real world setting with coaching and mentoring support. There are two parts to this course, the first being eight (8) weeks of field experience, and the second being a series of assignments to demonstrate the impact of your work on student learning. The first component only applies to residents without a standard or professional teaching certificate. Verification of your field experience will be submitted at the conclusion of the course. The second component applies to all residents in the #T.E.A.C.H. Special Education Program, regardless of certificate type. If you are unsure of your requirements, please discuss this with your Instructional Coach.

Once you have completed the first phase of the course you will return here to upload your Field Experience Form and continue with the second phase, which includes a series of written and workplace assignments.
