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EDU E405 – Essentials of Brain-based Learning

Essentials of Brain-based Learning
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Welcome to Essentials of Brain-based Learning, the first course in the series Child Development.

brain-based learningThis course provides basic knowledge and strategies for developing a brain-compatible learning environment. Your challenge as an educator is to embrace emerging findings from neuroscience about how the brain learns.

This course examines how students’ brains are different today and the consequential responsibility of instructional leaders to understand and respond to these differences so that the buildings, the curriculum, the instruction, and the people serve to make the school community hospitable for human learning. For all of those who teach, brain-based learning is an empowering, navigating, and reassuring partner.

The course requires 10 hours of study time to complete all assignments and the reflection questions as directed. There are three written assignments including the reflection questions at the end of the course.
