Welcome to the #T.E.A.C.H. Orientation. You must complete this orientation before proceeding to the program coursework. The orientation course...
Given recent events, it’s likely you’ve been informed that you must deliver your school’s curriculum at a distance, using the Internet....
Phase 1 - Classroom Readiness
Click on courses below to learn more and enroll.
Planning and Building
Welcome to Planning Essentials, the first course in the series Planning and Building. This course is a primer on what is expected of the new...
Welcome to Ethics and Professional Behavior, the second course in the series Planning and Building. The professional educator accepts personal...
Welcome to the Michigan Standards, the third course in the series Planning and Building. This course provides an orientation for professional...
Welcome to Developing a Classroom Climate, the fourth course in the series Planning and Building. New teachers may feel overwhelmed with the...
Welcome to Planning the Environment, the fifth course in the series Planning and Building. This course looks at the practical things a teacher...
Child Development
Welcome to Essentials of Brain-based Learning, the first course in the series Child Development. This course provides basic knowledge and strategies...
Welcome to Early Childhood Development, the second course in the series Child Development. The early formative years are crucial to the development...
Family and Community
Welcome to Principles of Diversity, the first course in the series Family and Community. School populations of are becoming increasingly diverse....
Welcome to Effective Parent Relationships, the second course in the series Family and Community. Research establishes, unequivocally, that...
Welcome to Community Partnerships in the School, the third course in the series Family and Community. This course provides strategies and best...
Welcome to Planning Effective Lessons, the first course in the Instruction series. This course looks at the practical things you can do when...
Welcome to Effective Questioning Strategies, the third course in the Instruction series. One of the most important things that teachers do...
Welcome to Best Teaching Practices – Elementary, the fourth course in the Instruction series. This course combines several elements of...
Welcome to Reinforcing Effort & Providing Recognition, the fifth course in the Instruction series. What we believe about success has...
Phase 2 - Teaching Excellence
Click on courses below to learn more.
Differentiated Instruction
Welcome to Background & Connections, the first course in the series Differentiated Instruction. Differentiating instruction encompasses...
Welcome to Implementing Differentiated Instruction, the second course in the series Differentiated Instruction. Most teachers who become involved...
Welcome to Elementary Strategies I, the third course in the series Differentiated Instruction. Part of your job as a K-6 teacher is to ensure...
Assessment and Evaluation
Welcome to Using Student Data, the first course in the series Assessment and Evaluation. This course highlights the basics of student achievement...
Welcome to Disaggregating, Organizing & Reporting Data, the second course in the series Assessment and Evaluation. One of the most powerful...
Welcome to Principles of Fair Student Assessment, the third course in the series Assessment and Evaluation. To ensure that assessment, evaluation...
Welcome to Formative & Summative Assessments, the fourth course in the series Assessment and Evaluation. To ensure that assessment meets...
Classroom Management
Welcome to Building Community, the first course in the series Classroom Management. This course focuses on recommended classroom management...
Welcome to Cooperative Learning, the second course in the series Classroom Management. This course looks at the benefits of cooperative learning...
Diverse Learners
Welcome to Educational Inclusion, the first course in the series Diverse Learners. This course examines the basic features of special education...
Welcome to Teaching Exceptional Students, the second course in the series Diverse Learners. In keeping with current trends and policies of...
Welcome to Language Acquisition Research, the third course in the series Diverse Learners. The gradual change in demographics in our schools...
Welcome to Sheltered Instruction, the fourth course in the series Diverse Learners. Sheltered instruction provides teachers with the means...
Welcome to Teaching Literacy Skills to ELLs, the fifth course in the series Diverse Learners. English Language Learners (ELL) are typically...
Cumulative Project
Congratulations, you have worked hard to reach this stage of your #T.E.A.C.H. academic journey. You have spent time planning your classroom...